KPI/Feature Gurobipy Pyomo JuMP OR-Tools Programming Language Python Python Julia C++, Python, Java, C# Official Documentation Link Link Link Link Link Open-source vs License requirement Requires Gurobi solver license for model generation. open-source Open-source Open-source However, for basic API testing restricted, size-limited license can be obtained freely that can handle...
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On Scientific Writing
Speaking creates entropy. Writing reduces it.
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On Scientific Writing
Speaking creates entropy. Writing reduces it.
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SCIP - An open source solver for MIP, MINLP
Pyomo has been my #1 choice for optimization projects for quite some time. A while ago, I was attempting to solve a certain NLP problem and wanted to try out open source solvers apart from ipopt, which is in 90% of the cases is a default choice - often serving...
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Work Productively with Lengthy Jupyter Notebooks
Jupyter notebooks are great. Among the other benefits of using them, I often find they are simple but great tool for working in projects that involve close collaborations with domain experts, process engineers etc. You can keep all of your models in one place, record the outcomes of numerical experiments,...
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